Here at Big City Driver, our readers are 92% truckers, would-be truckers, trucking safety professionals, and other drivers and city dwellers from the USA. The other 8% are drivers and city dwellers from other Countries concerned about driving in their city.
Below, you will find the numbers of visitors, and the rates to advertise here, along with different ad ideas. If you click on an image it will open the image for easy viewing. Then just hit the back button on your browser to return to this page.
According to Google Analytics website statistics from 2014:

- Daily: We had an average of 300 to 450 page-views per day, or about 200 to 350 unique visitors per day.
- Monthly: We had an average of 8000 to 10,000 page-views per month, or about 6000 to 7000 unique visitors per month.
- Yearly: We had a total of 108,104 page-views, from 73,094 unique visitors.
- Average pages per session 1.3.
- Average time stayed 58-seconds.
- Bounce rate 86%.
- Our visitors are from; USA 92%, Canada 2.5%, UK .6%, and a fraction from a total of 140 Countries.
- 83% of visitors come from search engines.
- 13% type in
- 3% are referrals from other websites with links to this site.
Recent improvements to the site:
Another huge improvement to the site:
This site has been in business since 2000. Up until 2012 all the pages were HTML (old-fashioned) web pages. In 2012 I installed WordPress to modernize the site (PHP instead of HTML). Google and other search engines treat it as two sites- Site one, the old site was www.bigcitydriver. The new site was without the www. I just learned about this this month (Feb 2015) because Google sent me an email explaining that my old pages would soon rank lower because they were not mobile-friendly. All the Google Analytics and WordPress stats do not count those old pages, which get a lot of traffic. So, to correct this problem, (Not only did I make it more mobile-friendly) I created new PHP pages from the old ones and forwarded those old pages to the new PHP pages. I fully expect my stats to double in 2015 for this reason.
Here are our advertising rates:
- Permanent text link: Your link added within the text of an existing article, using the keywords of your choice- $50 (one time only).
- Sidebar ad: A small ad (about 240 x 240 pixels) placed on either sidebar, which appears on every page of the site- $40 per month (recurring Paypal payment).
- Top banner: Your 468 x 60 banner at the top of every page, to the right of the site name- $60 per month (recurring Paypal payment).
- Product review: A special article written by me, about your company or product- $150 (one time only).
- Guest post: An article written by you that meets our high standards (see submission guidelines)- Free.
Here’s our WordPress stats:
WordPress (the program running this site) keeps stats too. Sometimes they vary a little from what Google reports. I’m not sure which is more accurate, but they are pretty close. To the left are the stats for last month (Jan 2015), and it shows an average of 200 to 400 page-views per day. (Not unique visits.)
The image to the left shows the top pages for the past year (Feb 2, 2014 thru Feb 2, 2015). As you can see, the top pages are the ones that only truckers and safety professionals would be searching for.
*These are the subjects, by order of popularity- truck driver pay, safety meeting topics, freight broker tips, CDL tests, trucker stories, and safety topics from a drivers’ perspective.
This one shows the keywords people search for when they find this site. Hint- it’s about the same thing as the most popular pages above in bold type*.
As you can see, it’s safe to assume that our audience is mostly truckers, safety professionals, would-be truckers, and freight brokers.
Note: Your link must be to a website that is related to the story it is placed in, or related to trucking or city driving in some way.
If you’d like to get your link or ad on this site, please email me here at:
Thank you for asking,
Ken Skaggs
Owner and editor in chief